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Collagen Punctal Plug (Temporary 7 to 10 days) Box Of 60 Inserts

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0.10 LBS
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 Product Description

Temporary Collagen Punctal Plugs 


  • Collagen punctal inserts for diagnostic use
  • Providing highly effective occlusion in the first 2 to 3 days post-insertion.
  • Absorbs completely in 7 to 10 days
  • 60 inserts per box (10 packs of 6 inserts each)
  • Available In 0.2mm, 0.3mm and 0.4mm sizes
  • Provides temporary occlusion lasting 7 to 10 days
  • Also indicated for extending medication contact time and effectiveness

  • Ideal for diagnostic use in chronic dry eye patients considering permanent punctal occlusion

These plugs are intended for temporary punctal occlusion following surgery or as a trial for permanent punctal occlusion in dry eye therapy.

Available in Following 3 sizes

0.2mm (Box of 60 inserts)

0.3mm (Box of 60 inserts)

0.4mm (Box of 60 inserts) 

Physician Instructions 



VeraC7TM Collagen Plugs are intended for temporary use with patients experiencing dry eye symptoms such as redness, burning, re ex tearing, itching or foreign body sensations which can be relieved by blockage of the canaliculus. The VeraC7TM Collagen Plug is composed of puri ed collagen, derived from the serosal layer of bovine intestines.

The plugs are supplied sterile, six plugs per package and ten packages per box. Each box contains one size (diameter) plug. Available sizes (diameter) are: 0.2mm, 0.3mm, and 0.4mm. All plugs are 2.0mm in length. A variety pack containing all three diameters (24 plugs each) is also available. Each device is intended for single use. DO NOT RESTERILIZE.


VeraC7TM Collagen Plugs are designed to be inserted through the punctal opening into the canaliculus to block tear drainage through the lacrimal drainage system.


Collagen plugs may be used in the treatment of Dry Eye Syndrome and the dry eye components of various ocular surface diseases such as corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis, pterygium, blepharitis, keratitis, red lid margins, recurrent chalazions, recurrent corneal erosion, lamentary keratitis and other external eye diseases. When indicated, VeraC7TM Collagen Plugs may be used after ocular surgery to prevent complications due to dry eye and to enhance the retention of ocular medications. Patients experiencing ocular dryness secondary to contact lens use may also be aided by VeraC7TM Collagen Plugs.


VeraC7TM Collagen Plugs are contraindicated for patients allergic to bovine collagen or for patients who are experiencing epiphora, in ammation of the eyelid, or tearing secondary to dacryocystitis with mucopurulent discharge. If the patient experiences irritation or epiphora after insertion of VeraC7TM Collagen Plugs, a saline irrigation or a probe may be used to expel the plug through the lacrimal sac

into the nose or throat. Presence of the plug may alter the prescribed effect of eye drop medications due to the reduction or elimination of tear drainage via the punctum.


Inspect the patient’s punctum to determine the appropriate size (diameter) plug prior to insertion of VeraC7TM Collagen Plugs. As a guideline, the measured punctal opening less 0.2mm may indicate an approximate diameter of the canaliculus. Physician experience should ultimately determine the proper sizing of the canaliculus.


• Inspect the patient’s punctum to determine the appropriate size (diameter) punctal plug to use.

• Inspect the sterile package integrity. Check the expiration date.

• Remove the appropriate diameter plug from the plug holder using jewelers’ forceps.

• A small amount of lubricant may be used on the plug in order to facilitate insertion.

• While holding the plug with the forceps, place the plug partially through the punctal opening.

• Release the plug and use the tip of the forceps to push the plug the rest of the way through the punctal opening and into the canaliculus.

• Following insertion, inspect the punctal opening to ensure the implant is below the punctal opening.


Effective occlusion in the rst days after insertion is dependent on the size of the patient’s punctal opening and the size plugs used. Absorption of VeraC7TM Collagen Plugs is essentially completed between 7 and 10 days. The patient may experience rapid improvement of dry eye symptoms after initial placement, followed by a return of previous discomfort. Such signs of temporary improvement suggest that the patient may bene t by permanent, yet reversible punctal occlusion with VeraC7TM Silicone Punctal Plugs.


U.S. Federal Law restricts this device for sale by or on the order of a physician. Care should be used not to perforate the punctum or canaliculus while inserting the VeraC7TM Collagen Plugs. Perforation may cause pain and increase the risk of infection. If perforation occurs, delay the placement of the plug until the wound heals. Presence of the VeraC7TM Collagen Plug may alter the prescribed effect of eye drop medications due to the reduction or elimination of tear drainage via the punctum.


Contents are sterile if individual package is unopened and undamaged. Do not use if package has been previously opened or damaged. DO NOT RESTERILIZE.


Ambient conditions apply. Do not expose to extreme temperatures.


Product Code
Caution–Refer to Accompanying Documents Consult instructions for use
Do Not Reuse
Use by
Sterilized using irradiation
Do Not Resterilize
Lot Code
Do not use if package is damaged

CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale and use by, or on the order of, a physician. 

Note: All products sold on PetSurgical.com should be used by qualified clinician and for veterinary and research use only 


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